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                                                             Sponsorship Information
We are so thankful for the support we receive from our sponsors!  Sponsors have three ways to ensure WRRA members know about the services you are able to provide!

  • Quarterly newsletter, Published every 3 months and received by all WRRA members and posted to the Website.

  • Biannual Telephone Directory, a copy is given to be kept at the cabin of ever member, and an additional copy given to every member for their resident home.  The Directory is accessed regularly for membership information and names and phone numbers of service providers.  Download the 2023- 2025 WRRA Directory information sheet with this link.  If you're interested in advertising in more than one location, it may be helpful to use the advertising form to ease the order and payment process. 

  • Website advertisement, ads are placed on the home page so advertiser information is often one of the first things seen by those accessing the website.  

 Since each member and/or cabin owner accesses information in different ways, you may wish to advertise in each location.  Please go to this link for payment information and further instructions.  

  • Facebook Social Icon


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